How Do Dogs Know to Look You in the Eye

Dr. Marking is a veterinarian. He has been working with dogs for more than 40 years.

Why does my dog stare into my eyes?

Why does my dog stare into my eyes?

My dog makes eye contact. She is watching me, waiting. . . . And then why practise dogs await into our eyes? Is it hormonal, a sign of aggression, or just another manner of begging?

And why is it usually dogs? When working with other species, I have noticed that they take a trend to expect anywhere but our eyes. Even the few of the species that exercise look direct at you—commonly the carnivores—they'll look at your face up, not straight into your eyes. (I know I am going to anger a lot of cat owners with that comment, but I am basing this on my ain experience. Personal experience is only anecdotal, so you can cull non to believe it and no ane can tell you that you're wrong.)

Dogs volition sometimes avoid heart contact, too, if they are submissive, not used to being around someone, nervous, or agape. After a while, though, almost dogs make and hold eye contact more than any other species.

Is my Tegu looking at my eyes or my face?

Is my Tegu looking at my eyes or my face?

The Reasons Dogs Stare at People

Animal behaviorist Alexandra Horowitz pointed out the departure betwixt the gazes of dogs and those of other species in her book Inside of a Dog. She believes that dogs look at us for:

  • our ability to give food
  • clues about our emotional state
  • data about what is happening in their world

Dr. Horowitz believes that the domestic dog's unique power to look into our optics and agree our gaze was one of the kickoff steps in domestication.

Others experience that dogs are just staring because they expect yous to throw them a piece of food. If dogs are really just thinking about food all the time, like some researchers think, staring is just a means of gaining information nearly where the food is.

Some canis familiaris trainers, like Cesar Millan, remember that dogs are staring merely because they are looking for management from their possessor. They want the possessor to tell them what to practise, so they are looking and waiting for a control.

Since dogs accept been domesticated for at least ten,000 years (and some scientists believe much longer, upwards to 100,000), this ability has been selected for and carried down for many years.

Why have they adult this ability? Why is it that when yous await into a domestic dog's eyes y'all feel that he is looking at you, that he is reading your intentions and feelings?

A study from Nippon (April 2015) reveals that when dogs stare into our eyes, the activity causes u.s. to release oxytocin into our bloodstream. The oxytocin levels in the urine are increased and dogs can scent this; thus, by making us experience good, they feel better when they are staring at us.

Oxytocin is a hormone that is released when mothers nurse their puppies, so maybe dogs stare at us in the same style that a mother stares at her own pups. In some ways, maintaining middle contact is its ain reward. The more than you lot stare at your dog, the more than he stares at you lot, the better you both experience.

What a neat thing.

Read More than From Pethelpful

This dog lost her right eye last year when she was stoned by some children. Now she is reluctant to look into your eyes and will usually look down or away with her remaining eye.

This dog lost her correct eye last year when she was stoned by some children. Now she is reluctant to look into your optics and will usually expect down or abroad with her remaining eye.

Is Looking the Same every bit Staring?

Looking into a domestic dog'south optics is not the same as staring and most dogs can tell the difference.

Staring tin can be a threat in dogs and in another species. When someone stares at a dog, maintaining center contact when he or she has no correct to exercise and so, information technology can make a nervous dog hostile or scared.

Sometimes the human does it is without fifty-fifty realizing it. Children might exercise this without even being aware.

Julie isn´t looking just for a treat (at least I don´t think so)

Julie isn´t looking merely for a treat (at least I don´t think and so)

Is Your Canis familiaris Challenging You With Her Eyes?

Some dog trainers and behaviorists believe that a dog that looks back at its owner is challenging his say-so as leader of the pack; numerous manufactures will tell you how to establish dominance by staring down your dog and discouraging his looking at you.

Most trainers no longer believe this and tend to encourage heart contact. Getting the dog to maintain eye contact is now an important part of training.

Middle contact in dogs is even a hot topic of research in some places. Inquiry in a university in Budapest that used eye-tracking technology showed that dogs are as sensitive to their owner's looks as modest children are with their parents. They recommend that owners increase their eye contact with their puppies so that they tin can build a better relationship.

So, What Is the Best Respond?

And so why have dogs developed the ability to stare into our eyes? It is all nigh attention.

Dogs are keen companions and desire to be loved. Since dogs know that what we call up will influence our behavior to them, they are looking at us because they want to know how we feel.

Await into my optics and tell me differently.

The human eye

The homo eye


A. Miklósi, Eastward. Kubinyi, J. Topál, V. Csányi, Thousand. Gácsi, Z. Virányi , A simple reason for a big deviation: Wolves exercise not look back at humans, just dogs do. Curr. Biol. 13, 763–766 (2003).

Miho Nagasawa,Shouhei Mitsui,Shiori En, Nobuyo Ohtani, Mitsuaki Ohta, Yasuo Sakuma,Tatsushi Onaka,Kazutaka Mogi,Takefumi Kikusui, Oxytocin-gaze positive loop and the coevolution of human being-dog bonds Scientific discipline 17 April 2015: Vol. 348 no. 6232 pp. 333-336

This article is accurate and true to the all-time of the author'due south knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized communication from a veterinary medical professional person. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

© 2012 Dr Mark

DAVID AARON...Chgo on April 26, 2020:

Our rescue dog, MAX, connects with centre contact since he came into our lives at iii months. He turned 4 on 3/15/twenty. He brings joy every mean solar day and will care and protect him till the time comes. All animals deserve our care and protection!

We're glad for this article. Thanks and best regards!

Mel on March 22, 2020:

This is amazing commodity and thank you for sharing your insight. It is my kickoff fourth dimension I had a puppy and and then incredible i had this genuinely connexion with him. I feel him and he feel me if I'm happy if he is happy if im sad and he is bored :) Dogs are exceptional cosmos of God. I was thinking of getting another one that he could have playmate. I think more of him than anyone else lol. I loved Pitzi and thanks for giving u.s. insights on animal behavior so we can respond in the right manner.

Flor Donaire on May 26, 2019:

My domestic dog looks at me ever and when I pat her head and talk to her using sweet voice, she would have the puppy eyes look lol. No, information technology is not all virtually nutrient. She does that every time with or without nutrient. I always talk to her so possibly it is too the reason why she would e'er choose me over the other members of my family :)

Ted on October 18, 2018:

My lab stares straight into my eyes when information technology is fourth dimension to be fed, or when she wants to continue an expected activity like a walk.

Shirl on July 29, 2018:

My dog is 7 before long to turn 8. She is role snack Russel & part High german Shepard. Got her equally soon as old plenty to go out her mother.. she was 1 of eight puppy'south.

Was raised by a sweetness lady & she got a lot of attention. This is because she had then much more energy then whatever of the rest. In fact when we met all the puppy'southward as they were watching us at the fence she came running out jumping over all the other puppy's so excited. Lady picked her up patted her piffling dorsum & said this is the way I calm her downward. I didn't see the lady pick any other puppy'southward up to at-home them. I said that'south the 1 I desire. On manner home she was scared & got sick on me. To this day she is and so mighty stiff & has taken me down through the yard on my belly. Keep her on leash she runs showing off her energy & I have to hang on. I'one thousand 75 only still keeping up with her. It's but her & I & don't get much company so she gets so excited when someone comes & us all over them. She is my lap dog sleeps with me sits with me eats my snacks

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June 06, 2018:

Its corking to know information technology is not about nutrient, right Barbara? I get tired of hearing "your dog only likes you because you feed her" when I KNOW it is and so much more than that!

Barbara Badder from U.s.a. on June 05, 2018:

Our dog looks into my eyes all of the time. At present you've got me wondering if it is more than only wanting nutrient.

Tara on September twenty, 2016:

What a great article! Answered so many of my questions. My 7 year old Great Dane/English Mastiff mix was a semi-rescue (very young) from a crazy surround. He was very timid in the beginning. At present years later, he regularly makes eye contact and maintains it. To the point it's sometimes uncomfortable because he just stares. But, he'due south in no way aggressive, never fifty-fifty misbehaves - he'southward the best, sweetest dog I've ever had or met. I've e'er believed his making eye contact was a bang-up thing, showing he'south very comfortable with us (considering the absenteeism of Whatsoever behavioral issues). This article just reinforced that conventionalities. He's always been very hyper aware of our moods - if I'grand feeling down he knows it and will come cuddle with me. Literally cuddle, he's a lap dog. Lol. So cheers for writing this!!!

Marie on March 05, 2016:

Thanks for your post. I totally agree. Some dog breeds use eye contact more than others. Edge Collies and Aussies heart contact to communicate with sheep and cattle as well as humans. All of my dogs have been rescues and all have been mixed breeds. My Edge Collie mix and Aussie-mix were my smartest dogs and both were had groovy eye contact skills. I manus point train all of my dogs - and any neighbour dogs who seem to be constantly in our g - so that I tin can issue a control without interrupting a chat with a human. My dogs lookout man my face up constantly - which can be unnerving at times - and without a word I can control them to get into heel position, sit, stay, lay down, curl over, come and sit down facing me, return to heel position, heel, sit, stay while I walk around them and abroad, lay down, sit upward, come, return to heel position and release - all without a word. It is a fav game for them.

On the subject of cats. My cat makes eye contact with me also. She is too mitt trained to come, lay down (no sit down), and bound to a designated spot...when she is in the mood ... interesting, when she does non wish to humor me - she turns her head (or entire torso) so as to avert eye contact. She is likewise very talkative, more our other cats, and I always know when her nutrient dish has but ten pieces left or is totally empty - she is a drama queen feline. She is tiny for a cat, but looks our 100 pound Shepherd-mix in the heart - without a hiss or growl - and defiantly walks away, often directly under his legs. Communication is clear. Cheers for your post. Interesting indeed.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on Apr 27, 2015:

I couldn't concur more. The more I learn the more I am impressed with these beasts!!!

ologsinquito from USA on April 27, 2015:

Dogs are wonderful, what tin I say? They are such loyal companions.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on April 26, 2015:

Hi Heidi, practice you recollect there is a deviation between your male person and female dogs? The research indicated that female dogs allowed to sniff oxytocin spent more time staring at their owners. The same was not true with male dogs. That might impact the style we behave with likewise.

Heidi Thorne from Chicago Surface area on April 26, 2015:

I've noticed that some of my dogs have been improve at establishing and maintaining eye contact than others. And my relationships with them have varied, too. Hmm... the eye contact might exist a gene. Something to think near. Voted upwardly, interesting and sharing!

Dr Mark (writer) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on July 06, 2013:

Hi Jandee I read your comment (in sasanka´s hub) about your dog´ reaction to hearing French. Very interesting, and I take noticed a difference in response/response times with different languages. Practise you lot work with your dogs in English language? Have you seen this at all? (I train in Arabic because dogs seem to answer slower in Portuguese.)

Thanks for coming by!

jandee on July 06, 2013:


lovely subject field. My youngest Dog is merely 6 and everything seems to accept come up together all at once. He has been very hyper but recently he has quitened down and when we walk down the street he is watching me constantly which is not bad ,just what is required in the show ring,thanks for prissy read,

jandee (the look used to get me off laptop has go a mouth effectually my wrist)

sasanka7 from Calcutta, India on July 06, 2013:

Squeamish hub.

carlswanvegas on Nov 29, 2012:

I have to hold. 'The Walk' or 'Go For A Ride' is a serious game changer. It instantly makes yous a hero for anywhere from 48 hours to days. It'southward such a big deal to dogs that humans accept to utilise acronyms similar "I call up I might take Sophie for a W-A-L-K later if I take time." Glad yous had a laugh.


Dr Marker (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on November 28, 2012:

Thanks carlswanvegas I got a corking laugh out of that! My dog also has that other stare, which means "bank check the clock and get off of that calculator, it is fourth dimension for our walk on the beach". I retrieve the walk even beats a slice of pizza, but I am non so sure she feels that way.

carlswanvegas on November 27, 2012:

Interesting topic. Centre contact with my dog has three categories. Feed me, I have to use the restroom and that slice of pizza looks amazing! Feed me is a basic sit down and stare. Utilize the restroom is a much more than serious wait and stare with a distinctly closer positioning to where I am. That pizza belongs to me is a combination of feed me with batting eyelashes. Dogs are amazing! Nifty topic.

Dr Mark (writer) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on November 21, 2012:

Congratualtions on that "rising star". The commodity was a groovy read and you actually deserved it.

I have my domestic dog trained with manus signals so she looks at me during our sessions. (Perhaps merely because I do non like to talk much!) It really does make a difference in our human relationship. Do you use any manus point with Lily, or simply tell her you desire to sit with your eyes? She sounds similar a great dog.

Allison on November 21, 2012:

I recently read an commodity about using only eye contact and torso linguistic communication to give what otherwise would be considered exact commands ("sit", "downwardly", "come"). I accept been playing around with information technology a little bit, and I can become Lily to sit just by making eye contact. Information technology is astonishing how well dogs read trunk language, and I remember humans could use it more to their advantage to have a closer relationship with their pet.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Pelting Forest, Brazil on Nov 17, 2012:

Cheers for your comment Jo. I am glad you lot like the images--I am certain it was my lizards first time to appear on the cyberspace! Thank you for sharing.

Jo_Goldsmith11 on Nov 17, 2012:

Very well written. Useful, awesome, cute and so interesting! I have a dog and she is my little baby! I accept had her since she was a pup. She is a little over one now. About 15 months quondam. I will hold centre contact and sooner or afterwards she will break it to give me kisses. Dogs rule!

visuals were perfect!

cats too! tweet, tweet. :)

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on November 16, 2012:

Thanks for the comment, Annemari. I appreciate the vote!

Annemari from Tiny part of the Earth on November 16, 2012:

Smashing story. It is really interesting, and so continue upwards the expert work.

Well washed and voted up.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on November 16, 2012:

Bailey sounds really sugariness, and it sounds similar she knows how to tug on a few heartstrings as well!

Lisa from WA on Nov 15, 2012:

I just recently moved dorsum in with my parents with my boyfriend and his blue heeler, Bailey. Information technology took them forever to go used to the fact that Bailey, different their niggling Westie, actually looks them in the center. I'thousand pretty sure almost of the time it's for attention only in that location are times I grab her staring and I swear she's simply looking at me with nothing but love in those big brown eyes.

This was a very fascinating read. I never really idea likewise much about the fact that dogs really look people in the eye and how complicated that i seemingly simple act can exist.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on Nov xiv, 2012:

Perceptive comment, because they really do read us and answer to those gentle teachings. It is not just the scientific evidence that tells usa why they are looking into our eyes, and it is definitely not a response to a challenge!

ShyeAnne from Qualicum Bay, British Columbia, Canada on November 14, 2012:

Well done and cheers. My fella was a staunch believer that a dog looking a human in the eye is a direct challenge. I told him possibly with a dog y'all don't know that might exist true. He came to undertand through my gentle teachings, that dogs are a lot more aware than he realised. This commodity substantiates many of my beliefs. Scientific evidence is not necessary when dealing with the hearts of all creatures, humans, dogs and more.

Dr Marking (author) from The Atlantic Pelting Forest, Brazil on October 15, 2012:

Hi Barb I know that look "Its time for my walk; leave your Hubpages and lets go!"

Barbara Anne Helberg from Napoleon, Henry County, Ohio, USA on October xi, 2012:

@DrMark1961...Interesting thoughts are covered in this Hub!

I've never doubted that my dog looked directly at my eyes for instruction or data. They've all washed it.

What did y'all say, Mom? What are we doing next, huh? Can I go some nutrient? Outside?...certain...pant, pant...Permit'southward go!

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on September 04, 2012:

Not my particular cup of tea, only I practice become your point! Thanks for coming by.

george looney on September 04, 2012:

Endeavour staring at thespian'due south Michael Douglas' own eyes (of Basic Instinct) for some corporeality of time? Only kidding... Very interesting hub, informational also...

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on September 03, 2012:

Thank you so much for your comment. My dog is looking upwards at me as I write this, telling me to do a good job!!! (Either that or she is whining at me because it is past our normal bedtime.)

nikashi_designs on September 03, 2012:

My dog Chloe has beautiful brown watery eyes that pierce your heart. Dogs and humans are both very emotional creatures, making eye contact is a way to get a reading on current feelings and I believe its too a sign of respect. Being able to convey without words is why canis familiaris and homo are best friends. Fantastic commodity.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Pelting Forest, Brazil on August 28, 2012:

Thanks for the annotate. They definitely study us, and learn how to read our every move and facial expression.

Joe Njenga from Nairobi Kenya on August 20, 2012:

I think dogs can read our thought by directly staring at u.s.a.. Centre contact also shows a connection between you and your pet. Perhaps this is the case.

Dr Marker (writer) from The Atlantic Pelting Forest, Brazil on July 27, 2012:

I am sure they do determine. I don´t think my pet lizard even has that selection, he is just staring.

Pintoman on July 27, 2012:

I retrieve the domestic dog decides whether it's gazing or staring. I don't know. I think it depends on the breed a lot besides. Herders tin can take a glance equally a claiming, have had lots of experience with that. Interesting article, well written. I have always had a canis familiaris or dogs until the recent past. As for C.South. Lewis, yous can debate with him in his books if you desire. Or me if you desire in a private email, just don't want to alter the field of study here, or sound similar you aren't worth talking to.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on July 27, 2012:

Are you lot a dog owner? It is so piece of cake to tell the difference in staring as opposed to gazing. I really disagree with C.Southward.Lewis´comment because I do not think nosotros accept that "God upwards higher up" human relationship with dogs. At least I feel I do not, only at that place are as many unlike relationships as in that location are dog owners, and I have only known a few. In that location is always a lot to acquire.

Pintoman on July 27, 2012:

Some of that sounds contradictory; staring versus holding a gaze. But C.S. Lewis put in one of his stories that animals are to usa as we are to God. I call up some of that comes out in this article.

Dr Mark (writer) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on July 23, 2012:

That would be an interesting study. How would they react if they could only run across our eyes?

Bob Bamberg on July 23, 2012:

Very interesting hub, DrMark. Is it possible, when dogs react negatively to prolonged center contact, that they're interpreting other torso linguistic communication as well, such as tensed facial muscles, or a stance they perceive to be threatening?

I often engage my true cat in a staring competition merely to come across who will blink first. Usually I exercise. Sometimes, just every bit my eyes are starting to feel similar sandpaper, she'll slowly blink, turn away and jump off my lap. I tell hither I've been trivialized and dismissed by meliorate animals but it doesn't seem to faze her.

Dr Marker (writer) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on July 22, 2012:

Thanks for coming past Mary. Just similar with grooming of service dogs and seizure warning dogs, it is vital that the human be able to discover those things in the domestic dog. Yous are obviously noticing.

Mary Hyatt from Florida on July 22, 2012:

My Miniature Schnauzer, Babe, and I communicate with our optics! I remember she knows what I'k thinking, and I'm certain I know what she is trying to tell me by her eyes. Her eyes tell me when she is happy, hungry, wants to play, go for a walk, afraid, or depressed. Aye, she gets depressed when her favorite friend, a Shih Tzu goes home afterwards a week long visit. I takes Baby a couple of days earlier she is her old cocky.

I enjoyed your Hub as always, and voted it Upwards, and volition share.


Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on July 22, 2012:

Thanks for coming by. That starting time photo is my canis familiaris, looking into my eyes!

Lizolivia from Key USA on July 22, 2012:

Interesting that you wrote a hub on this. This was brought to my attention a couple days ago; how dogs look in our eyes, by one of my sons. I have a rat terrier that is very circumspect. Looking forward to reading more of your articles. Useful, followed and shared.

Digitskyes from Highlands, Scotland on June 27, 2012:

Hmm that's a good point DrMark...perhaps that's why they are so strong with their eyes...either that or it's just because they are more sensitive with Cats existence largely dark hunters.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June 24, 2012:

Interesting viewpoint. How much of the cats stare do you recall is prey related?

Digitskyes from Highlands, Scotland on June 24, 2012:

I certainly think in that location is more going on than just a desire for food.

And in my experience dogs are less comfortable with centre contact than cats are.

Although they volition look at you lot and attempt various types of communication via the eyes, mostly dogs rely on body language.

Whereas a Cat volition look right at your eyes and hold your gaze, and to me whatever manner it feels like they are capable of a much greater range of advice via the optics alone than dogs.

I'g much more comfy with dogs, only I am intrigued by the sense you lot get from cats sometimes.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June 24, 2012:

Many behaviorists believe that, unfortunately, even though we can run across that it is non true and that the gazing has zippo to practice with aggression.

Barbara Badder from Usa on June 24, 2012:

Now I know directly heart contact doesn't mean the domestic dog is being ambitious. I read that over and over. Our dogs aren't aggressive at all, so I've always wondered almost that. Shared.

Dr Mark (writer) from The Atlantic Pelting Forest, Brazil on June 23, 2012:

Good point. Thank you all for stopping by!

DoItForHer on June 23, 2012:

Wolves in contrast do not look to people even if they were raised and trained from pups. The domestication in your Hub is a significant difference between wild wolves and domesticated dogs and is why dogs make amend pets.

Interesting how we underappreciate such a powerful, yet common, simple matter.

FutureDrKate on June 22, 2012:

That was very interesting! Cracking topic voted up!

Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on June 22, 2012:

I actually enjoyed reading this Hub. It brings upwards a really interesting bailiwick. Like something from Nova! My dogs are so spoiled they gaze into my eyes with no fears whatsoever! I vote this way crawly and am sharing.

Justin W Cost from Juneau, Alaska on June 22, 2012:

Cracking groovy hub. I'm always fascinated by my dogs. they're eyes tell me and so much. I truly experience like I tin can have a conversation with my domestic dog. Up and shared.

Dr Marking (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June 20, 2012:

Thank you lovedoctor926 it is interesting that you comment on the color of your dogs eyes, since historically breeders have selected for dark eyes (similar Julie, in the photograph in a higher place) just so that they would not notice the dogs staring. Now we appreciate that they are gazing at united states, and lighter eyes are okay

lovedoctor926 on June 20, 2012:

These are very interesting observations. I accept a miniature pincher and he adores me. His light brown optics sparkle whenever I'm around him. I sense that he could feel my honey. Voted upwardly awesome!

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June twenty, 2012:

Thanks for coming past! If she tin can't look into your eyes perchance she is reading your body language? Or, like Jennifer commented, mayhap they are reading our minds?

(Take yous seen that web site Puppy of the Day? I put their widget on my blog since they have a new puppy every day. Information technology is really cute.)

Mel Flagg COA OSC from Rural Central Florida on June 20, 2012:

If my dog isn't looking into my eyes to tell how I feel, how does she ever know when and how to cheer me up, or make me laugh? I hold firm to my belief that dogs are smarter than humans. They obviously read u.s. better than we tin can read ourselves. Many of them take quite a bit of expression in their own faces. Did I mention I just love puppies (and they're always puppies no matter how old they are!)

As always, honey your hubs. Voted up and shared!!

tlmcgaa70 from south dakota, usa on June twenty, 2012:

but DrMark, his gaze IS is total of dear, only the same as when my cats gaze into my eyes, i tin feel the love in your dogs gaze just as i can feel it in my cats gazes. there in lies the similarity. when my cats gaze into my eyes, i suddenly experience like the most loved and richest blessed person on world.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Pelting Wood, Brazil on June 20, 2012:

Now I am sorry I did not have a cat to photo for this commodity! My tegu "volunteered" to be the token carnivore though but I am sure the cat lovers do not concord his gaze is at all similar to a feline´s look.

Thanks for the comments, everyone, information technology is squeamish to know the article is being gazed at.

Teresa Davis from Moscow, Texas on June 20, 2012:

I am too a domestic dog person and practice love my dog. He does look into my optics. Thanks for this article considering honestly I never thought nigh information technology before.

tlmcgaa70 from south dakota, usa on June 19, 2012:

wesley, if simply you lot knew cats equally i do, you lot would definitely have to rethink your opinion of them.

Wesley Meacham from Wuhan, Mainland china on June 19, 2012:

Voted up, interesting and shared.

This is an interesting article. I never would have thought about information technology in any depth had I non read it. I agree that dogs are very different from other animals. I as well agree that they are very different from cats. In full general I believe cats to be very aloof animals. They basically don't demand us and in my stance are the almost snobbish of domesticated animals. Dogs on the other hand are probably the friendliest species on the planet.

Linda Rogers from Minnesota on June 19, 2012:

What a bully topic to write a hub about. I definitely know my dogs expect at me in the eye. Reasons to look at me: I want to go exterior, I want to exist pet, I'k hungry, I want to cuddle. My dogs get my attending when they expect right into my optics. Great write upwards and I hit many buttons.

Jennifer Madison from Lohmar on June nineteen, 2012:

I think they are!

Dr Marking (author) from The Atlantic Pelting Forest, Brazil on June 19, 2012:

Are they reading our thoughts?

Jennifer Madison from Lohmar on June xix, 2012:

I often wondered nearly that merely I really love it when my ii Dachshunds await into my eyes. They seem to want to know what I am about to practice and I feel similar they are trying to read my thoughts to detect out when I will take them for a walk. Information technology is and so funny.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Woods, Brazil on June 19, 2012:

I think that is why and then many people like cats instead of dogs-they are a lot more likely to be bonded to ane person and be standoffish with others. maybe they but gaze at that special someone?

misspeachesx from Northeast, Washington on June nineteen, 2012:

Very cool hub. We have 6 cats and three are especially personable. They exercise gaze into my eyes and constitute heart contact as ofttimes every bit my dogs do. One of my cats will lay there and gaze into my eyes with pure pleasance when I rub his stomach, very similar to a domestic dog. Another true cat of mine will look into my eyes when I ask for him to perform a fox rather than just stare at the food in my hand. He is peculiarly intelligent compared to most however. Though dogs volition brand heart contact more often and even with strangers don't write off cats. They just happen to save it for those they are quite bonded with I think.

Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June 19, 2012:

Thanks for the groovy input on cats but I still don´t feel they look at you lot with the same type of advice. I know there are a lot of people out at that place who disagree with me though, so who am I to say they are wrong? I think Peggy´s comment is correct in that they will glance at you lot but non gaze. And like wetnosedog comments, dogs seem to wait at you lot a lot. One of the animal behaviorists I read fifty-fifty commented that dogs would await at a human more than a chimpanzee, and would act according to what the human was glancing at (like the location of nutrient).

tlmcgaa70 from due south dakota, usa on June 19, 2012:

hello DrMark. prissy hub and i concur with most of it. i want to enlighten you well-nigh cats though. (and no, i am not at all angry). i accept been rescuing cats for 12 yrs now, and at the moment i accept 16. all are very shut to me. a few fifty-fifty closer withal. my cats are always looking at me, and if i look dorsum, THEY constitute eye contact with me. they are communicating with me. on some level i can't put into words, i understand what they are proverb. sometimes it is a request, for food, cool water, treats, play or snuggle fourth dimension, other times it is to let me know they do not feel tip top, or something i am doing is making them uneasy, curious, or happy. in that location is a difference between a cat or dog looking at your confront and ane looking into your optics, and it is a huge difference. when one looks into your eyes, you KNOW it, you Feel it, like they are making their presence known. in that location is a definite connection. and so your comment, while information technology didn't anger me, is not quite accurate either, and i just wanted you lot to know.

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on June 19, 2012:

Our dogs accept definitely looked into our eyes and watch our every move. They are smart creatures and also empathetic and can easily choice up on how we are feeling. We take 2 within cats and they definitely look into our eyes equally well. They exercise not seem to hold a gaze as long. I had never thought well-nigh information technology before reading this hub. Volition be paying more attention now. Voted upwardly and interesting.

wetnosedogs from Alabama on June 19, 2012:

Information technology seems my dogs await at me a lot. My youngest, who needs to lose weight, gives me those beautiful optics when I'chiliad eating. The oldest male person looks at me when he's on the couch-he wants to exist petted or reassured he can be there-one sassy canis familiaris volition bark her head off crusade he's on the burrow. Bella'south eyes follow me everywhere when she knows it's almost time for her nightly belly rub. I practise notice my youngest dog will expect away when she is in one of her moods-the latest, I found a fiddling sore on her under all that fur-and she didn't desire to be combed. I recollect the comb got that sore spot and it hurt. When I became enlightened of it, I was able to accept intendance of it, apologizing a thousand times cause I never meant to hurt her with the comb. She was looking at me then!


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