what is used to put out a small grease fire

Knowing how to put out a grease burn down tin prevent your house from called-for down and fifty-fifty save your life. Follow these unproblematic steps from a burn safe expert.

A famous maxim proclaims that "a watched pot never boils," only failing to pay attention to what is cooking in the kitchen—especially on the stove acme or in the oven—can end in a catastrophe. Grease fires are more common than you may think. And that's why information technology'due south absolutely crucial you know how to put out a grease fire.

According to the National Burn Protection Association (NFPA), cooking was the leading crusade of reported home fires and home fire injuries from 2015–2019 and the second-leading cause of home burn down deaths. In fact, cooking was responsible for a whopping 49 percent of reported home fires, 20 percent of reported home fire deaths, and 42 percent of home fire injuries. The primary cause of these fires? The NFPA points to unattended cooking, especially frying.

Even scarier is that more than half of civilians injured in home fires involving cooking were injured while trying to put the burn out themselves. Knowing how to put out a grease fire tin can non simply salvage your house from going upwards in flames simply possibly save your life too. We asked a burn down safety expert to explain the proper steps to putting out a grease fire. In one case you've committed the process to retention, read up on how the all-time oven cleaners can help you make clean your oven, plus the all-time style to clean stainless steel appliances.

At what temperature does grease catch burn?

We said it before, and we'll say it once more: Don't exit your food unattended while cooking. Doing then is a fire hazard and one of the two primary causes of grease fires, according to Van Riviere, a sometime burn department battalion chief and the current CEO of Tablet Control, mobile software that helps firefighters respond to incidents.

The other primary cause? The introduction of food or h2o into hot oil, which can crusade the oil to overflow onto an active heating chemical element. In other words, if the oil splashes onto your open up flame, you lot could take a fire on your hands.

And here's a terrifying fact: If it gets hot enough, cooking oil can grab burn without you lot doing a matter. How hot is dangerously hot? Riviere cites 2010 research conducted past the University of Maryland Department of Burn Protection Engineering. In the paper (which has yet to be published), the authors identify temperature ranges at which cooking oil will autoignite, using experimental procedures designed to test the autoignition temperatures of liquid cooking oils, butter, and margarine.

They found that the temps at which cooking oil catches fire depend on the type of oil or fat (like butter) that you're cooking. The chart below, which lists the autoignition points for various fats, is good guidance.

Vegetable oil 763 °F
Canola oil 795 °F
Olive oil 815 °F
Smart Rest 810 °F
Butter Doesn't autoignite

Need more than motivation to proceed an center on your stove elevation? According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Burn Sciences, it can take as little as eighteen minutes for hot cooking oil to autoignite. That's reason enough to acquire how to put out a grease fire. And while yous're filling your brain with important kitchen tips like these, be certain you know exactly how to use a self-cleaning oven—before y'all attempt to clean it.

How to put out a grease fire

Snuffing out a grease fire boils down to a few elementary but safe and constructive steps, explains Riviere. Set, ready, stop that burn!

  1. Plow off the burner.
  2. Keep the pan in identify. If you have a fire, your commencement instinct might be to movement the pan. Only Riviere says that's a huge fault. "Do non attempt to move the pan," he says. "This volition spread the burn down throughout the room and probable effect in injury." A hat, nevertheless, will rob the fire of the oxygen it needs to grow. This is also why it's smart to keep your microwave door shut if there's a burn within.
  3. Place a lid over the pan. It'southward such an of import stride, says Riviere, that you lot should always continue a lid side by side to the pan while you're cooking.
  4. Let the lid smother the fire. Do not remove the hat until the pan is cool. "The fire may rekindle or grow very rapidly," he says.
  5. If the fire does not become out, get everyone out of the business firm and call 911 from outside.

There are a few other ways to put out a fire if you don't have a lid for your pan. Try these tricks:

  • Fire extinguisher: Riviere suggests using a Class B burn down extinguisher to put out the fire if yous don't have a chapeau to the pan. It'll make a mess and contaminate your kitchen, only information technology'll stop the burn.
  • Baking soda or salt: Yep, pouring baking soda or salt on a small grease fire will snuff it out, says David Hall, Director of University Condom at Missouri Country University and former fire chief in Springfield, Missouri. Merely double-bank check that you're using the right items. Similar-looking ingredients—including flour and blistering powder—can actually make the fire worse. And know that this isn't a solution for larger grease fires.

How To Put Out A Grease Fire rd.com

How not to put out a grease burn

The last thing y'all want is to turn a pocket-sized pan fire into an all-out house fire, then avoid using the items beneath. Instead of helping, they could make the burn down worse.

  • H2o: Your gut reaction may exist to toss a whole lot of water on the flames, simply that'south not the solution for grease fires. Cascade water on the fire, and the oil could splash and the fire spread.
  • Flour and carbohydrate: "Both are combustible and volition cause the fire to grow rapidly," Riviere says.
  • Towels: Both wet and dry towels are large no-nos when it comes to grease fires. "Information technology volition not extinguish the fire and has the potential to spread the fire throughout the room," he says.

How to forbid grease fires

Knowing how to put out a grease fire is nifty. Only prevention is really the beginning step. Riviere has a few tips to go along a potential burn at bay.

  • Don't listen to the famous pot-watching saying. Ane of the biggest mistakes people brand in the kitchen is not paying attention to cooking food. "Never leave cooking unattended," says Riviere.
  • Stride yourself when it comes to heating upwardly cooking oils. "Always heat grease or oil gradually to avoid heating to the point of combustion," he says.
  • Exercise non introduce h2o or ice to hot oil under any circumstances, equally they can ignite a fire.
  • Add food carefully to avoid spilling grease or oil onto an open up flame or hot burner, Riviere says.
  • Clean your stove top. If yours is covered in spilled oil, your small fire can apace get out of hand.

All set on how to put out a grease burn down? Great! Now turn your attention to another appliance that can cause firm fires: your clothes dryer. Be sure to clean your dryer regularly to lower your risk for fires.


  • National Fire Protection Association: "Public Education: Cooking"
  • Van Riviere, former fire department battalion chief and current CEO of Tablet Command
  • University of Maryland Department of Burn down Protection Applied science: "Automobile-Ignition of Cooking Oils"
  • Periodical of Fire Sciences: "Characterization of Stovetop Cooking Oil Fires"
  • David Hall, Director of University Safe at Missouri Land University and former fire chief in Springfield, Missouri


Source: https://www.rd.com/article/how-to-put-out-a-grease-fire/

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